
Month: April 2022

4 Great Reasons to Give Hula Hoop Fitness a Go

Over the last 3 years or so, it’s safe to say that the vast majority of us have gained a few additional pounds, which we’re likely struggling to get rid of.

Thanks to lockdowns, gym closures, and stress eating and drinking in general, more people are currently overweight than ever before, and that must change. Now, it’s easy to sit there and talk about how easy losing weight is on paper when, in reality, weight loss is one of the toughest, most stressful processes in the world.

If you’re struggling with your fitness levels and want to lose weight, along with a caloric restrictive diet, plenty of exercise is also recommended, which is where hula hooping comes into the fray.

Hula fitness is currently all the rage, and with quality products like the Smart Hula Fitness Hoop, 360 Degree Fitness Weighted Hula Hoop now in high demand, it’s easy to see why.

If you’re considering taking up hula fitness, here are 4 great reasons to do so.

Better on the back

Gone are the days of hula hooping with rigid hoops of hard plastic as nowadays we have products such as the Smart 360 Degree Fitness Weighted Hula Hoop instead.

Thanks to the hula hoop’s 360-degree magnetic therapy massage feature, as you’re hula hooping this helps to eliminate back pain and discomfort commonly associated with everyday hula hoops. This is great news for people that suffer with back issues as it means they can hula hoop without having to worry about any pain and discomfort in and around the back.

Burn calories

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of hula hooping is the fact that it serves as such an effective form of exercise for burning calories.

If you want to lose weight, a caloric deficit is essential and hula hooping will help you to burn off more calories in order to achieve this.

Hula hooping is a fairly strenuous form of physical exertion and it can be compared to other popular aerobic activities such as dancing.

Depending on how hard you work, you can expect to burn off between 165 and 200 calories with just 30 minutes of moderate intensity hula hooping. Not bad, huh?

Great for the heart

Another reason why hula hooping is proving to be so popular is down to the fact that it’s so great for the heart.

Hula hooping is an awesome form of cardiovascular fitness, which means that it works the heart and the lungs, while boosting circulation in the process.

Cardiovascular exercise is so important as cardiovascular disease claims more lives each year than any other disease, so the stronger and healthier your heart and cardiovascular system is, the better.

Stronger core

Finally, the last benefit of hula hooping that we have today is the fact that it helps to strengthen your core.

When you hula hoop, you constantly need to keep your hips moving in order to rotate the hoop and keep it around your waist. To keep the hoop moving, you need to engage and utilize your core muscles. The more you use them, the stronger your core will be.

A strong core will help to improve strength, balance, mobility and coordination so again, hula hooping is ideal for achieving all of these things.